Thursday, June 11, 2009

Preparing and Praying

With only 238 hours left until we load the vehicles and leave from Ball Camp Baptist Church there is still a lot going on. There will be 35 participants on this trip (as long as the last one can finish jumping through passport hoops). 27 of those going on the trip are youth, 2 are college students, and 6 are adults. Several of the leadership teams have already begun to meet. The music team and drama team have set up the worship services for the trip. The ministry support team met to discuss the meals and other jobs that they have. The renovation team leader has begun to look at what projects will be done first. Next week we will begin the process of packing and attempting to remember everything that needs to go. Saturday night, June 20, we will pack the vehicles and eat together. Finally, Sunday morning we will commission our team during worship and leave immediately after worship. We hope to arrive in Ottawa, Canada, around 4:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon. These are the preparations that are ongoing.

Several weeks ago we began a prayer emphasis. Along with the congregations at Eastview Baptist Church and St. Margaret's Anglican Church of Ottawa, Canada, we have been praying for this trip. Here are the ways that you can partner with us and pray for the trip, both before we go and while we are gone.
- Pray for the logistics of the trip. Pray that of the arrangements that ahve been made will work out and athat those still being made will come together.
- Prayer for those who will be left behind. Pray for the families that will be missing their loved ones and pray that Ball Camp Baptist Church will be dilgent in supporting the team in prayer.
- Pray for the community (Vanier) and churches (Eastview Baptist Church and St. Margaret's Anglican Church) where the team will be serving. Also pray for the pastors of those congregations (Pastor Santos and Canon Fairlie).
- Pray for the individual team members. Pray that they will have a servant attitude and that each individual will be blessed for giving of themselves.
- Pray for the safety of the team throughout the trip.

As we prepare and as we pray, may God bless the efforts and continue to prepare the way for us.

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