Wednesday, June 24, 2009

great days

folks, the trip has been amazing so far. we really appreciate the opportunity to come here. the church people have been so gracious and even though we get frustrated at times, everyone is getting along and doing well. parents, your children are cooking, cleaning, and being generally good. we miss you guys and will be excited to see you but sad to have the trip end. i hope to keep up with the blogs now that the internet is fixed. i passed on all of your messages to the kids so feel free to keep them coming.


  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great trip. We prayed for you tonight in prayer meeting. May God continue to bless you and give you good days together. Love you all.

  2. Just let Amy know that we are thinking of her. - Mom
    Glad you were able to share some of the activity as it is evolving.

  3. Please tell me that my daughter is not on the top of the scaffolding!!! Talk about a heart-attack. There better be safety ropes. Leslie please be careful!!! Why isn't Brian on the scaffold?

  4. Tell Erin her Mom and dad miss her and hope she hasn't hurt herself yet! Tell her that Lucy also misses her and keeps going to her door looking for her.Our prayers are with you all. Tell Natalie we love her too!

  5. Let Emily know we miss her (even Jeffrey) and can't wait for her to get home. Looks like eveyone is having a blast. Try to be careful.

  6. We pray for God to work in the lives of those serving and those being served, to work a change in lives as He continues to shape all of them for his purposes, and for surrender to His will. Tell Taylor we love her and miss her. Love Mom, Dad, Sarah, Isaiah, and all the animals.

  7. Since you are gone,
    I don't stare at the top of your head for hours as you text your friends endlessly

    Since you are gone,
    There is room for me on my own couch

    Since you are gone,
    Pippin and I make a majority

    Since you are gone,
    Mom growls less

    Since you are gone,
    Our "on demand" bill is considerably less

    Since you are gone,
    we discovered something interesting in Kelsey's room...........carpet

    Since you are gone,
    we can't find the movies

    Since you are gone,
    the laughing hyenas I often heard after 1 a.m. must have moved out

    Since you are gone,
    nothing has been broken or gone missing

    since you are gone,
    my singing seems slightly off key

  8. What you are doing there is an inspiration to all of us here at home. This is the first time in a long time that I don't have a kid with you. Keep "sharing God's love" in a way that only Ball Camp can do. Take care of yourselves & know that my prayers & love are with each of you.
    Love in Christ,
    Pat Cabage

  9. Please tell Alexis we love her and we're praying for her and the rest of the team!
    Give her a big hug for us ...
    Bunches of Love,
    Mom, Elaina, Alyssa and Grandma
